Hiya after some the dodgy links people have been sending across I thought I would share this with you - A detailed guide of the CityVille Zoo, so that you get the most of out this brand new and really cool feature!
(The link of which belonged to a cheat blog is now non existant thanks to the Facebook crew and fan members.)
Everything will start with you being given a basic Habitat from a new in-game character, Karen. The Habitat will become your Zoo, but you must work a little bit to make it happen. After placing and building the Habitat (requires 6 whacks, 1 energy per action), you can click your new Zoo to be taken to a new menu, as seen below: Alternately, if you don’t feel like paying real money for some zoo animals in CityVille, you can start posting news feeds to collect animals from your friends (but be waned, you will receive Zoo Baskets, that can also hold decorations or gift baskets, so you are not guarateed to receive an animal each time a friend responds!. After collecting the required amounts ofanimals, you will unlock other Habitats in the Zoo and the “fun” (or spamming, call it as you please) will once again begin! You can also collect coins from the Zoo, and the more animals you have inside, the bigger the payout will be. What do you think about the new Zoo feature in CityVille? Were you expecting more?There, you will be given a random animal to place in the Zoo, with other animals available for purchase, as you can see for yourself, for 20 City Cash each.
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