Saturday 30 April 2011

Feeling Frustrated in CityVille?

If you’re feeling frustrated in Cityville, don’t think for a minute that you’re alone. I know a few of my friends and neighbors were drawn in by the easy starting levels and are now struggling to continue moving up. I was like that a few weeks ago and despite my frustrations, I still loved the game and couldn’t wait to buy the next items to place in my city. My love for Cityville far outweighed my interest in other games so I went looking for a guide to get me where I wanted to be with my city.

I tried a couple guides and didn’t find out much more information than I already found from playing the game. Some of them were obviously for people who already reached the higher levels and had tons of cash. One or two were so outdated that they didn’t include the latest levels and buildings that were in the game. Snice Cityville is a beta game that is changing and improving all the time; it seems a few of these guides just couldn’t keep up.

I finally got lucky and came across the Cityville Master Plan. A quick look at the site told me this guide was more up-to-date than any of the other guides I had read. I bought it and before you knew it, I was raking in coins from everywhere! I’ve moved faster since I bought this guide than I thought was possible. 

The Cityville Master Plan has extremely helpful tips but also includes some really helpful charts and other resources that teach you better ways to progress by comparing items to complete the most profitable collections and also shows you the best spending and improvement strategies. For such a small investment, I think you’ll be surprised at the amount of information about the game and how to play more efficiently. If you need that extra help to understand the game or just want to level faster, this is the guide for you.

For more information visit: Cityville Masterplan

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